Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Day 2

 So it is really hard to jump back on board, getting back on track. You think to yourself that whats the point to all of it your just going to fail. Sometimes that is what I hear in my head that I am not going to succeed what's the point. I was browsing Pinterest when I came across a cool quote can't find it right know but it pretty much said that little voice in the back of your head is a liar. Don't listen to it push past it. Well some days are easier than others let me tell you. It's not easy at all I have failed many times, but in the past when I started to fall I didn't get back up and brush my knees off. I would stay down and defeated. I know it sounds bad but that is the truth. I am not going to let that happen yes I fell I stayed down for a couple of weeks but right now I am in the process of picking my self back up and pushing forward. I want to reach my goal this year I hate feeling fat and looking it too. I want to go into stores and be able to find my size with out coming out of them feeling even more depressed. Its starting to happen old cloths that I have not been able to wear since the beginning of my pregnancy with my 4 year old are starting to fit again. Pants are becoming baggier and had to go get a smaller belt. There have been small changes but big because it is a start.

So for breakfast I had the same I find the bran flakes with a banana fill me up till lunch. I find that when I have the bran flakes or any cereal by its self I am hungry right away so I try and put fruit in with it giving it a little more.

SO I had
1 c bran flakes
1 banana
1/2 c 2% milk
Calories = 265


So the cucumbers and tomatoes I had in with my ham sandwich.

So It was

2 slices white bread
1 tbsp fat free mayo
a squirt of mustard
3 slices ham
1/2 c cucumbers
1/2 a medium tomato
( this is what was on my sandwich with the left over cucumbers just eating by them selves)
For my snack later on I had:
1/2 c strawberries
1 yogurt tube

Calories = 332

For dinner before I had lunch I was trying to figure out something that I wanted for dinner. I was about to take out some ground turkey to make some turkey burgers when I found that I had a frozen already cooked pork chop so I took that out to defrost. Quick and easy since I wasn't home and eating till gone past 7 in the evening.
 3 ounces pork chop
2/3 c veggies
1/2 c brown rice

Calories = 367

Thur out the day I had
2 rice crispy treats
1 apple
1 banana
1c strawberries
( I cut up the fruit and had a nice little homemade fruit salad in the evening)
 Calories = 418
Total daily calories = 1381

I also took a 20 min walk I was going to do more but not feeling great still head is really pounding away even pain killers aren't working. Getting a little cold it should be gone in a few days.

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