Wednesday, June 12, 2013

June 12 2013

Ha ha saw this and thought yup there is me. It describes me to a T. It is really bad to do this when you screw up Monday don't let it ruin your week. I know I say that but it is hard and I am far from perfect. There are tons of things that I need to work on its an uphill battle and some day I feel like I am losing but I need to fight through it. Its hard and some days I feel like it is easier to give up than to fight.

Photo: Haha If only it were that easy
 I think I should start doing this. I do it all the time I feel like baking a cake so I take it to the store to let everyone else eat it but I always seem to have tons as well. Jared never lets me bake there have been times where I would make cookies and he comes home to only a dozen left. I have eaten most and tons of cookie dough. Ha ha been getting better at not eating what I make. I love to bake but can't control it when I am done with it.

So today was a great day,
2 slices of toast
4 tbsp chunky peanut butter
1 banana

2 slices bread
1 tbsp mayo
3 slices ham
1 apple
1 yogurt
1 yogurt tube

potato salad

So exercises been a down fall for me been really busy helping out of the store. When I am out doing delivers I will take the stairs and park a little further away from the door so I get some walking done. So when it calms down I will be going on more walks with the kids in the evening and spending time out side playing with them.

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