Saturday, March 9, 2013

Day 66

OK so I did say that I wasn't going to post the next day but getting home past 10 I wanted to get to bed. It was date night last night we had some dinner and went to the movies. It was great to get out with out kids. So it wasn't the best day but I tried my best with dinner because I knew I would have some popcorn at the movies and some M&M's that my husband got. Also I wanted a hot dog so we split it. I had Edo's for dinner last night I had the sizzling shrimp ate the shrimp the veggies but hardly touched the rice so the dish all together is 500 calories but I didn't eat half of it so I said that I had 300 calories for it. I had three California rolls and a spring roll. On the drinking pop I am going strong I had a sip of some coke and didn't really like it at all so no problem with that. I still have a lot of work to do and its not getting easier at all but oh well. So yesterday I was over on my calories by nearly 600 calories mostly because of the chocolate and popcorn and hot dog other than those I was on track. Well not going to dwell on it I got the weekend and mon and tue to work hard.

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